Gaming Articles

Review: Heavy Rain

This game is enthralling to say the least. You begin the game in what feels like an impossible learning curve, trying to figure out what you’re supposed to be doing, how to do it etc. What is so cool about the beginning to this game is there is actually “no right way” to do something. The game just happens.

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Review: Demon’s Souls

Demon’s Souls is an immersive, unforgiving dive into a redefined take on death in video games. Demons Souls is a game that requires attention to play, careful planning and a lot of patience. You will learn how to die, die some more, die trying to get your body and die again.

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Review: Fallout 3

From your first steps into the sands of atomic misfortune you have free reign to explore uncharted territories, track down bandits and raiders or venture into other establishments looking for quests, weapons and other loot.

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