Riding the Rails: Green Arrow #10 (Review)

Nov 2, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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ga_cv10Green Arrow #10
DC Comics

Written by: Ben Percy
Art by: Juan Ferreyra and Nate Piekos

Since Rebirth the Green Arrow has been moving quickly. With issues every two weeks, there could be a lot to catch up on and if readers are interested last issue’s review provides a recap. The beauty of this series, post Rebirth, is that it remains enjoyable and easy to jump onto at any point. If a reader isn’t aware of the backstory, they are still treated to a exciting adventure that stands on its’ own.scream

While Percy’s writing of the Black Canary continues to be solid, Juan Ferreyra’s art is the star of this issue. Ferreyra is part of the rotating artist team for this title and his style is perfect for this high speed adventure. There is a sense of class in Ferreyra’s work that depicts a train filled with high society elites. His art provides fluid movement to the action. His depiction of the Black Canary using her powers is breathtaking. Hopefully Ferreyra continues drawing issue #11 to provide artistic continuity to this story arc.

The creative team of Percy and Ferreyra remind readers that a plot does not have to be filled with life changing revelations and world threatening societies to be a good issue. Issue #10 is a light, fun adventure. This artistic pairing make this murder filled bullet train an enjoyable ride.