The Man of Steel Meets Frankenstein – “Superman” #12 (Review)

Dec 7, 2016

Mad Cave Studios


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Superman #12
DC Comics

Written By: Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Art By: Mike Mahnke

Superman’s annual last week gave us a look at a supernatural battle with Swamp Thing. This week, Superman fights another supernatural entity, Frankenstein. It’s definitely a departure from the father and son stories I’ve grown fond of and accustomed to. Now it’s time for some action that our hero is known for. This is “Super-Monster” Part 1.

The story for this is very fun and I had a blast reading it. There’s a substantial amount of action in this issue but it’s not dull. It’s very engaging actually with dialog that keeps the pace up nicely. The dialog feels so natural, a staple to this run of Superman. Tomasi and Gleason are great at this and they continue to impress.

With Frankenstein, I love that he doesn’t talk like a caveman. He’s got a fun charm to his character, even though this character doesn’t feel like one to have “charm.” What I’m excited for here is why Frankenstein has come to Hamilton county to look for this “Kroog” that was in disguise. I’m not very familiar with the Frankenstein character in DC Comics, so I’m very excited to see where this goes in the Superman story. Part of me hopes that with these supernatural characters being introduced here, that we’ll get a Justice League Dark Rebirth in the future. Lois also has a time to shine by attacking Frankenstein with the Hellbat glove she acquired in issue #5.

The art by Mahnke is great too; with him being new to the current run right now, he’s already got it down. He’s got the look spot on and he continues to make Superman look great. He also made Frankenstein look awesome, creepy and menacing all at the same time. Superman also looks really good, he pretty much nailed all the character’s designs.

Overall, I was very happy with this issue. Coming back to the ongoing story of Superman after annuals week and it being really good was a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed the set up to the new story with Frankenstein showing up into town and duking it out with Supes. Tomasi and Gleason are still knocking it out of the park with a fun story and Mahnke knocking it as well with awesome art.