Acer Predator XN253Q – Buy the Nitro VG240YP Instead

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Acer’s $500 Predator XN253Q is highly adjustable, which is awesome. But the white balance and viewing angles are not satisfactory. Therefore, if you are looking for a gaming monitor around 24″ – 25″, I recommend the Acer Nitro VG240YP. There is no other monitor like it: IPS, 144Hz, 1MS response, and G-Sync compatibility.

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By Tech Adventure

Joe was born and raised in Portland, OR. As an illegitimate son of Zeus, Joe sometimes struggles with his humanity vs. his divinity. As a self proclaimed “health-nut” Joe drinks half his weight in protein shakes a day, and it is not uncommon for him to run for days, sometimes covering hundreds of miles.

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