AFTERSCHOOL #1: Skybound Comics

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Afterschool is a new anthology series by Skybound and Image comics. The first issue features the short story Spinless by Benson and Moorhead. The short horror story focuses on a dog and the relationship Nora builds with what we assume is her new dog.

Skybound Comics
Written by: Justin Benson & Aaron Moorhead
Art by: Greg Hinkle
Colors by: Giovanna Niro
Letters by: Pat Brosseau

Afterschool #1 is weird and centers on a unique take on our relationship with our pets. With Nora discovering that her dog isn’t a dog, she does whatever it takes to protect it from harm and get them back home. As the carnage builds, so does the crazy nature of the story. 

Benson and Moorhead craft a perfect short story for a standalone affair or continuation. This versatility allows the story to become whatever they decide to do with it. The only drawback with the story is how quickly everything wraps up in the end. 

The art is your standard comic art which works perfectly for this issue. Hinkle does a good job designing characters to be different, but keeps things simple and neat. This simplicity helps push the story and narrative without worrying about future installments. 

Overall, Afterschool is an excellent start to the anthology series. The horror theme allows readers to digest what to expect from future issues quickly. Hopefully, with Spineless, they keep it to just the one because trying to explain some of the science might be difficult.

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Afterschool #1: Skybound review
  • Overall Entertainment - 7/10
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