Announcing “Find my Blox”

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Announcing “Find my Blox”

Originally posted here.
By: Jun Loayza

The Post

We work hard and we work fast.

Today we’re excited to announce three new highly requested features for Metablox.

1. Create your account Click on Sign Up/Log In on the top right to create your account You can now create your Metablox Account.

Why create your account :

So that you can find your Blox (see #2 below) Soon you’ll be able to collect MetaRent Soon you’ll be able to name your Blox Soon you’ll be able to connect your crypto wallet 2. Find my Blox (desktop only for now) You’re now able to find your Blox! After you’ve created your account, you’ll be able to find all of the Blox that you’ve reserved or won in a previous challenge.

Important : We do not yet distinguish which Blox are reserved and which you won in a challenge, this will come next.

Request : Please check to make sure all of your reserved Blox and won Blox show up in your “Find my Blox”. If you are missing a Blox, then reach out to @junloayza on the #help channel on the Discord .

3. Blox URLs Each Blox now has a unique URL Each Blox now has a unique URL, making it easy to share the Blox that you have reserved or own.

In the future, the URL will contain the name of your Blox.

Much more to come! We’re working very hard and you’ll see the results in the coming weeks.

Announcing “Find my Blox” was originally published in Metablox on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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