B Ferg

Jim Henson’s: the Storyteller – Tricksters # 1 (REVIEW)

Jim Henson’s: the Storyteller – Tricksters # 1 (REVIEW)

Dani Pendergrast Variant Sunday's featured a bit of duality for me growing up. Mornings would feature a more structured and sacred message. But nighttime was filled with fantasy tales focused on feats and failures. If the sermon was supper, the Storyteller was desert....

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Home Sick Pilots # 4 (REvIEW)

Home Sick Pilots # 4 (REvIEW)

There is no denying the link between home and the heart. If you're fortunate, home is a place of refuge and restoration after devastating events. Image Comics Home Sick Pilots has hinted throughout the series that for Ami home is a place for heartbreak and heartaches....

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God of War: Fallen God # 1 (REVIEW)

God of War: Fallen God # 1 (REVIEW)

Is this story a prologue or epilogue. For an individual whose life is long and legendary, that is a difficult question to answer. That's the problem and promise that God of War: Fallen God from Dark Horse finds itself asking. This initial issue indicates an...

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Why is WandaVision a Television Show?

Why is WandaVision a Television Show?

Only a few people truly know what is going on in Westview right now. For the remainder of us, we can only speculate and use what we know. Until this point, the MCU had primarily consisted of movies, 23 to be exact. I use the word primarily because mixed in there are a...

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Ice Cream Man #  23 (REVIEW)

Ice Cream Man # 23 (REVIEW)

And now for something disturbingly different. That's one take on Issue # 23 of Image Comics Ice Cream Man. If you’re anything like me you're used to the corrupted confectionaires of Mr. Sacchrine, but still, this issue is different. Both in the manner it is presented...

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Buffy the VamPIRE SLAYer: faith # 1 (REVIEW)

Buffy the VamPIRE SLAYer: faith # 1 (REVIEW)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Faith # 1 Boom Studios Written by: Jeremy LambertIllustrated by: Eleonora CarliniColored by: Mattia IaconoLettered by: Jim Campbell And Faith makes three. After being introduced to the star of the series Buffy, the arrival of Kendra was only...

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Bliss # 5 (REVIEW)

Bliss # 5 (REVIEW)

Bliss # 5Image Comics Story: Sean LewisArt: Caitlin Yarsky The word "Love" isn't the first to come to mind when you hear the word addiction. I know from personal experience. No, typically terms like selfishness, greed and weakness get thrown around when we think of...

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Radiant black # 1 (REVIEW)

Radiant black # 1 (REVIEW)

For me, if you're gonna add an adjective to your name or title, you have to live up to the hype. This goes for a team that wants to be remembered as "Mighty" or a boy robot trying to live up to being referred to as "Mega". Image Comics new series Radiant Black lives...

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Specter Inspectors # 1 (REVIEW)

Specter Inspectors # 1 (REVIEW)

Specter Inspectors # 1 Boom Studios Created & Written by: Bowen McCurdy & Kaitlyn MustoArt by: Bowen McCurdyLetters by: Jim Campbell Call them the phantom minutes. Those fleeting few moments that our social media society has come to covet. Only nothing lasts...

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The Unkindness of Ravens # 5 (REVIEW)

The Unkindness of Ravens # 5 (REVIEW)

No one wants to be the "backup plan"; it doesn't matter if it's the prom or the job promotion. There is no denying the bitter realization that some portion of your life was a consolation prize. In Issue # 5 of Unkindness of Ravens, Wilma must accept this bitter truth...

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