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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow # 3 (REVIEW)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow # 3 (REVIEW)

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Willow # 3 Part 3 The Best BeanBoom Studios Written by: Mariko TamakiIllustrated by: Natacha BustosColored by: Eleanora BruniLettered by: Judy Wynne It's hard to tell when something is distilled and when it's diluted. They are theoretically...

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The Marked # 7 (REVIEW)

The Marked # 7 (REVIEW)

Issue number 7 of The Marked continues the search for Pope's soul. We get more information on the time that Pope and Klara spent with Lovecraft, as well as the events that led to the loss of Pope's soul. Hine and Haberlin choose wisely when to let the art lead and...

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Inkblot # 1 (REVIEW)

Inkblot # 1 (REVIEW)

Where most would see a ink stain, I find myself taking another Rorschach Test. I keep getting asked to come back, so I must be pretty good. I just enjoy the opportunity to see the unseen. The splat doesn't conceal rather it reveals. Rusty Gladd introduces us to an...

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Bomb Queen # 1 (REVIEW)

Bomb Queen # 1 (REVIEW)

Bomb Queen # 1 Trump Card: Part OneImage Comics Written and Illustrated By: Jimmie Robinson You fight fire with fire. Often overlooked in this commonly used phrase is the assumption, and the presumption. One being there is no better option, and the other that the...

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The Ludocrats # 4 (REVIEW)

The Ludocrats # 4 (REVIEW)

The Ludocrats # 4 The Desolation of the LudocratsImage Comics Writer: Kieron GillenWriter: Jim Rossignol Art: Jeff Stokely Colors: Tamra BonvillainLetters: Clayton Cowles PURCHASE YOUR COPY HERE The portmanteau of the title of Image Comics' "The Ludocrats," made me...

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Big Girls # 1 (REVIEW)

Big Girls # 1 (REVIEW)

Big Girls # 1Image Comics Story & Art: Jason HowardLettering: Fonografiks PURCHASE YOUR COPY HERE Some people allow the scope of the situation to sway their sentiment towards it. A jingle I heard growing up stated "that's about the size where you put your eyes". A...

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Seven Secrets # 1 (REVIEW)

Seven Secrets # 1 (REVIEW)

Secrets, Truths, Lies. I suppose that would be a philosophers take on societies popular game "Marry/Date, F$@!, Pass". They both play out much the same way. We tell ourselves lies. To protect ourselves from the truths. Finally, those truths should lead us to the...

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Sex Criminals # 30 (REVIEW)

Sex Criminals # 30 (REVIEW)

Secretly tucked away into the pages of Issue # 30 of Sex Criminals, is a message for everybody. Moments matter for only a moment. To only focus on one portion of time, an interesting conundrum is created. Are you allowing yourself to be haunted, or are you doing the...

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Ice Cream Man # 20 (REVIEW)

Ice Cream Man # 20 (REVIEW)

Ice Cream Man # 20 For Kids (A Parody in 3-4 Parts)Image Comics Written By: W. Maxwell PrinceArt By: Martin MorazzoColors By: Chris O'HalloranLettering By: Good Old Neon I can't imagine a visit from the Ice Cream Man providing any help in easing into dreamland. I...

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