Superman: The Movie – A Simpler time

Oh the 70’s… When hoisting Christopher Reeve up with fishing wire was considered a “special effect”, and films had a five-minute long opening credit scene. Despite the many bad things that can be said about movies from this era, there’s some kind of magical nostalgia deeply embedded in the classics. It’s time to revisit a… Continue reading Superman: The Movie – A Simpler time

Martin Campbell’s The Green Lantern: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Looking back to 2011, Green Lantern was one of the most highly anticipated movies for that summer. Ryan Reynolds already being one of my favorite actors, and Hal Jordan a childhood hero, you can understand my excitement for the film. After an incredible disappointment in ticket sales and critiques, the film was quickly swept under the… Continue reading Martin Campbell’s The Green Lantern: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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