Bomb Queen # 1 (REVIEW)

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Bomb Queen # 1 Trump Card: Part One
Image Comics

Written and Illustrated By: Jimmie Robinson

You fight fire with fire. Often overlooked in this commonly used phrase is the assumption, and the presumption. One being there is no better option, and the other that the outcome is something you can contain. Missing/ presumed dead Jimmie Robinson delivers Bomb Queen to America with one purpose: to stop the re-reelection of Trump in 2024. What? What about 2020, how did…..what happened? That’s a whole ‘nother issue, in a whole ‘nother comic. For now Bomb Queen # 1.

After being identified and subdued by her brother, the White Knight, Bomb Queen finds herself being given a proposal. Run against Trump in the 2024 election. Upon her win, she is to then resign, allowing White Knight to return this country to his vision of the United States. Satire is used to require some “stretch” from the satirist. This comic finds itself perfectly placed amidst the dialogue it is decrying. White Knight sums up a hero’s dilemma: at what depth does a hero’s decision take him away from being heroic? Is your vision the same as everyone’s?

Jimmie Robinson brings a late 90’s aesthetic to this comic. From the art style to the illustrations, the colors to the depictions of Bomb Queen herself. In an issue of satires, it is hard to not overlook this one, in the way this issue challenges everything wrong (or right depending your side….no you can’t ask how I’m voting) with our societal views.

For her part, Bomb Queen’s presence does seem to change the narrative of the 2024 election. She has the ability to be both polarizing and destabilizing, much like her opponent. Similar to her opponent I am left asking of the Bomb Queen, what is in it for her?

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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