Buffy The Vampire Slayer #14 (REVIEW)

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer #14
Boom Studios

Created by Joss Whedon
Written by Jordie Bellaire
Illustrated by Julian Lopez and Moises Hildago
Colored by Raul Angulo and Francesco Segala
Lettered by Ed Dukeshire


There is a moment of dialogue between Giles and Jenny that sums up how this issue could make you feel. In discussing how life is now for Buffy and Kendra, Jenny admits it “isn’t right” and that she can’t be part of it. I think that continues to be the most marvellous thing about this series and its cousin, Angel. The ability to see familiar characters explored and unpacked amist different circumstances.

Writer Jordie Bellaire continues with the task of preserving a television mythos while carving a new identity with this series. The Buffy from the television series was shown as strong for her friends. The audience didn’t often see weakness or pain from her. Now we have the opportunity to see her without the “distraction” of the other Scoobies, Xander and Willow. This creates a Buffy who is isolating herself…choosing to push away her remaining support. It will be interesting to see whether she will be an effective slayer without her best friends.

The art of this issue proves that despite some things changing, some things shouldn’t. Instead of reimaging these characters artistically in the same way they have been narratively, the illustrators choose to highlight those small details that pay homage to the original. Giles pinching at the bridge of his nose or Buffy sulking on the car ride home are two instances. You get the sense you are in familiar territory…you know this place it’s just different.

The only shortcoming in this issue would have been it lacked any actual slaying action. I briefly believed this was a fake Joyce picking up Buffy from school, the only real tension this issue. Buffy’s dream and the reveal on the final page are welcome hints to what is about to come. Between these and the hilarious note from Anyanka to start the issue, I agree with Jenny that things aren’t right…I’m just okay with it.

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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