Buffy the Vampire Slayer # 20 (REVIEW)

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer # 20

Boom Studios

Written by: Jordie Bellaire & Jeremy Lambert
Illustrated by: Ramon Bachs
Colored by: Raul Angulo
Lettered by: Ed Dukeshire

And now there are three. If the addition of another slayer makes this series seem less about Buffy, there are a few elements this issue that hint all things are about to converge upon Ms. Summers all at once. Bellaire and Lambert continue to find ways to blend classic elements of the television show with new variations.

As I mentioned Buffy for the most part seems to be taking a backseat in her own series. I would complain about this but it allows for exploration of two existing plots. The first sees the culmination of Robin’s confrontation from last issue. Since his survival was never in question, it was all a matter of how he would. You gotta have Faith. The new slayer’s arrival is interrupted by both her and Robin meeting Wesley. Having Faith stumble to Sunnydale without any Watcher intervention, was a change for the series. This seems to be a setup to continue Faith as the anti-Council Slayer. With the appearance of Morgan and the entity she serves, it will It will be interesting to see what happens with Faith.

Willow gets more spotlight…actually more like interrogation light. Ever since her series I wondered how the continued use of magic would affect Willow. As a fan of the series I have already witnessed how it impacted her once. Willow is the first to stumble upon Morgan, showcasing abilities that seem to cause most of her friends some concern. Giles questioning Willow’s activities is hard to justify given how fast and loose this team operates. I am beginning to suspect this turn leads to the eventual debut of WX…the evil Willow and Xander from the show.

As a series that has generally delivered well on it’s premise, I am pleased with this issue. The past few had felt as if the series was beginning to struggle to find footing. Buffy’s dealing with Robin seems likely to send him into the arms of Faith. Willow and Xander seem to be sharing a much deeper and darker connection now. A plot to free any other girl of the challenge (and burden) of being a slayer. It may seem like this isn’t about Buffy, when actually it seem everything happening is threatening all she is.

Score: 8.9

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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