Juby Headshot Amazes in Her Genre Spanning Cosplay

Name: Juby Heashot City: Barcelona, Spain Twitter: https://twitter.com/JubyHeadshot (@JubyHeadshot) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jubyheadshotcosplay What was your first Cosplay Experience? Saló del Manga de Barcelona 2013 was my first con and I went as Katarina (original skin) from League of Legends. How long have you been Cosplaying? In a month will be a year. What is your favorite… Continue reading Juby Headshot Amazes in Her Genre Spanning Cosplay

Marvel wants to spite Fox, but will it backfire?

Have you heard the news? Bleeding Cool is reporting that Fantastic Four is being CANCELED. Completely. This isn’t a marketing gimmick where it becomes another series ala Future Foundation. It’s not that the characters are all going to die to be magically reborn at some later time. No, this is an outright cancellation. Fantastic Four… Continue reading Marvel wants to spite Fox, but will it backfire?

Sarah Goossens’ Cosplay brings League of Legends & Sailor Moon to life

Name: Sarah Goossens City: Antwerp Twitter: I’m not on twitter 😉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sweetlittleangelcosplay What was your first Cosplay Experience? I went with a friend to a cosplay con and I was in love with the people who wear cosplay costumes 🙂 How long have you been Cosplaying? 6 months What is your favorite cosplay you have worn/created?… Continue reading Sarah Goossens’ Cosplay brings League of Legends & Sailor Moon to life

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