Comic Noobs Podcast #55: Miek Miek it Rhymes with Reek

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Welcome to Part 3 of our Planet Hulk coverage! This week The Hulk and his war-bound get domesticated in the Crown City but unfortunately some of his war-bound are a wee bit skeptical. The Shadow People make their presence known and want to create a pact with the Sakaarson, to which Hulk obliges by asking for a Queen. Meanwhile, the Brood is providing puppet shows to the kids and Elloe is shocked to find someone from her past is still alive. Caiera has an awkward moment when she meets Bruce. Finally, Sobie ponders how Miek can reproduce when its discovered that Miek and the Brood have been “getting familiar” with each other which causes them to discover secrets about The Hulk’s past.

Comics Covered:
Incredible Hulk #100 – 01:34
Incredible Hulk #101 – 14:34
Incredible Hulk #102 – 27:48
Incredible Hulk #103 – 44:20

By Kevin Veldman

Kevin Veldman is the host of The ComicNoobs Podcast. He's hopelessly addicted to coffee, Twitter, and sarcasm. His views do not reflect those of The GWW or any reasonable human being.

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