Deathstroke #39 Review

Jan 9, 2019

Mad Cave Studios


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Deathstroke #39
DC Comics

Written by: Christopher Priest
Art by: Carlo Pagulauan & Fernando Pasarin
Colors by: Jeremy Cox
Letters by: Deron Bennett

This was one of the more complicated reads of Christopher Priest’s run with Deathstroke. This chapter of the story is still great, that’s not the problem. It just seemed like we took the most confusing route to get to get to the destination. In a way, it actually makes sense. Slade Wilson’s mind is in a pretzel, only seems fair the reader’s is, too.

There are two people, specifically, that make this issue so perplexing. First, is obviously Deathstroke. Biggest problem with him is being able to tell what’s real and what isn’t. Even when he throws a knife through Dr. Evans, supposedly killing her, it’s hard to tell if she was already dead or not. However, as we learn, Hugo Strange infected everyone at Arkham to turn them into his pawns. The only one who doesn’t fall for Strange’s poison is Deathstroke. Only thing is, we learn about that from Two-Face, who isn’t really there—which brings us to the other person who makes things confusing.

There’s no doubt Joseph, Hosun, Wintergreen and Death Masque all actually arrive at Arkham. What’s still unanswered in all of this is which Two-Face is real, and which is fake. And, if the fake one was at Arkham, how does he know Deathstroke is the only one who wasn’t being controlled by Strange? And how did he himself break Strange’s control to inform Slade?

It’s all a mess, but we should find out in Deathstroke #40, when the Wilson family goes to save Rose from Two-Face or faux Two-Face.

Hopefully, we get some more of that awesome Pulorian action once this whole ordeal with Rose is figured out, too

The Deathstroke artwork continues to be among the best in DC. Hats off to Carlo Pagulauan & Fernando Pasarin. Also, another stunning cover from Tyler Kirkham.