Director James Mangold Denies That Mister Sinister Is In ‘Wolverine 3’

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While he’s been busy developing and filming Wolverine 3, director James Mangold has kept mum concerning details of the third film.

However, he’s recently taken to Twitter to attempt to clear the air about Bryan Singer’s recent claim in the X-Men: Apocalypse commentary that Mister Sinister will be appearing in his film as a villain. The impression we get from these tweets is that Singer and producer Simon Kinberg might have been talking out of school on the subject, blaming outlets for sourcing the commentary comments of franchise producers.



We don’t often hear James talk about the projects like this, so we’ll have to assume that he’s on the up-and-up and not trying to keep the mystery box closed for another couple of weeks. We often take producer comments on the franchise at their word most of the time, but this is directly from it’s director as he’s editing the film.

Although, with rumors of Logan’s clone in X-23 and potential tie-in with Sinister’s connection to the Weapon X Program, you can’t really blame us for assuming so. The director is also not confirming nor denying that X-23 is in the film.

Maybe, just maybe, Omega Red is our real villain and we’ll have finally got our way in the end! My fingers are crossed.


A teaser trailer is said to be on it’s way soon, so we’ll know for sure in the coming days, weeks and months who the real villains of the movie are. Wolverine 3 is set for release on March 3rd, 2017.


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