Jake and Tom Conquer The World #40: The Movie Geek’s March Madness

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Everywhere they look, Jake and Tom see people obsessing over playoff brackets & filling them with their favorite college teams.  Well, the guys wanna get in on that action, except they don’t know squat about sports!  So instead, they’ve requited their pal Scott Edwards and devised a playoff system of their own, focusing instead on some of the greatest action movie heroes of their generation.

Listen in as your hosts debate the merits of each character while they pit them against each other in mortal combat!  Sixteen enter, but only one will emerge victorious!

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Follow Jake and Tom on Twitter and Facebook, check them out on the internet based radio stations Slings, Flings n’ Dingalings and Geeks Worldwide, and catch up on their previous episodes over at DrunkenDorkPodcast.wordpress.com & smartasspods.com

By Thomas Coe and Jacob Wilson

Rising from the ashes of The Drunken Dork Podcast comes the show your guidance counselor warned you about. With comic books, movies & booze! #PodernFamily

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