Ellei Marie’s Favorite Characters Come To Life In Her Amazing Cosplay Creations

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Name: Ellei Marie

Location: South Florida, FL

Twitter: @elleimarie

Facebook: www.facebook.com/elleimarie

Photographer(s): David Love Photography (www.facebook.com/davielovephotography or www.truefd.com)

What was your first Cosplay experience?
I wore my first cosplay at Supercon 2013 (Florida), so it’s been a little over a year since my first experience. I was so nervous to try it, but once I got there and started walking around I realized that I actually fit right in!
It was fun to feel like an actual character and to pose for pictures for people who loved the character and my costume! It was blonde Launch from Dragon Ball, and my best friend (Keeks Cosplay) was the blue Launch with me. It definitely helped to have a friend with me to ease the initial anxiety, but I’m so glad I did it!

How long have you been Cosplaying?
I think I accidentally answered that already lol, but a little over 1 year!

Who or what inspired you to take up Cosplaying?
My best friend, Momo from Keeks Cosplay, always wanted me to do it with her since she was big into the convention scene, but I was always too nervous. I’d always be “that guy” who chickened out at the last minute and just walked around in normal clothes admiring the costumes and vendors.
One day I was walking around Metro Con in Tampa, FL and realized there was nothing to be afraid of, since everyone there was equally as nerdy as I was. I talked to her the next day and told her we should do it!

If you had to pick a favorite Cosplay you have worn, or have seen someone else wear, what would it be?
My favorite costume I’ve seen is definitely Dahlia Thomas’ Mad Moxxi! It’s spot on and she fits the character perfectly since she’s playful and sarcastic IRL too. My favorite of mine is my Lady Raiden I just made for Megacon in Orlando, FL.

If you had unlimited funds and resources, what Cosplay would you create?
Valeera Sanguinar from World of Warcraft! I’ve wanted to create her costume for at least a year now, but those shoulders are going to take a lot of worbla and a whole lot more time!

What advice would you offer to those who are aspiring Cosplayers?
Go for it!! Don’t be scared, because chances are everyone’s going to love it, and (more importantly) you’re going to feel awesome doing it. Always ask for help if you need it! Other cosplayers are generally really happy to give assistance to anyone who asks, and there are all kinds of tutorials online.
Also, don’t burn yourself out trying to do too many too fast! Take your time to dive into the details and aim for quality instead of quantity, you’ll thank yourself later!

To learn more about Ellei Marie, follow her on Twitter: @elleimarie and check out her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/elleimarie

If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks With Wives, please email Casey at gwwcapescrew@gmail.com!

By Bobbiann Mako

Social Media Manager & Cosplay Editor for Geeks World Wide. Grey Warden. Inquisitor. Champion of Kirkwall. Jedi. Dragonborn. Trekkie. Tea connoisseur. Guardian. Pokémon & Peggle Master. Frequent Simmer. I tend to pull aggro... a lot.

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