Enter The Sexcastle with Indie Comic Creator Kyle Starks (Interview)

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In this GWW EXCLUSIVE, Mac Thompson sits down with indie comic book creator Kyle Starks. Kyle Starks is the creator behind hit graphic novel Sexcastle and The Legend of Ricky Thunder. He’s a family man that loves 80s movies, folk music and D-Man. I discovered Starks’ work through Sexcastle, which is a love note to the 80s action movies of his childhood. This find eventually brought me to back Starks’ on patreon and eventually get this interview. The man has a big year ahead and I’ll be surprised if he’s not a big name by the end.

His website: http://kylestarks.com

His Twitter: https://twitter.com/thekylestarks

His patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kylestarks?ty=h

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