EXCLUSIVE: ‘Titans’ Audition Tapes For Recent Character Breakdowns

Oct 30, 2017

TITANS SELF TAPE from Finn D. Roberts on Vimeo.

Titans Audition from Harrison Samuels on Vimeo.

Daniel Cross – Now your not talking to me?

Henchmen – I told you to stop the bleeding

Daniel Cross – It’s not my fault I’m not a doctor

Henchmen – You shot him in the first place?

Daniel Cross – Because he was shooting at me! Or maybe you would have liked that. Yeah me dead in the back. And that sadistic ass talking baseball stats with you.

Henchmen – Of course not

Daniel Cross – You want to put all of this on me? Fine. But I am getting tired of you always trying to make me feel like a screw up. You don’t like the way I do things? Maybe your just jealous because I am the one that gets results. That I’m the one Tony always comes to when he needs to get the hard job done.

Henchmen – If you and Tony are so tight why is he trying to kill you?

Daniel Cross – Same reason he wasn’t to worried about you getting caught in the crossfire. Because nothing I do. Nothing either one of us do is ever going to be enough. We spent our whole lives trying to get Tony to notice us. Trying to get him to give a shit about us. But nothing either of us do is ever going to make that happen. Dad, is always going to see us as expendable. We have to stop him. And we have to do it together…

NEXT UP : The Messenger Audition Tapes