FEATURE: ‘Daredevil’ Has Opened-The-Door For ‘Blade’ To Join Netflix

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A Blade reboot has been reportedly in-development at Marvel for years and recent rumors suggest he could be coming to Netflix in the second wave of shows.

Wesley Snipes confirmed talking with Marvel about the prospect last year and it was said the show could focus primarily on Blade’s daughter Fallon Grey (concept art created by Jamie-lee Lloyd). As her father would be taking more of a mentor role, which is expected to playout in her upcoming comic as well.

Doctor Strange will be introducing the Marvel cinematic universe to horror and supernatural elements, Daredevil just opened-the-door for that as well for Netflix and could allow room for Blade.

Spoilers for Daredevil are ahead you’ve been warmed.

During this season they reveal that The Hand is made-up of immortal ancient ninjas and this inclusion could be a reason why Marvel might be aiming to tackle Blade next.

Specifically, we see Nobu killed for a second time only to get up and walk away and they’re using blood to help resurrect each other. I’ll be curious to see if The Hand have got a hold of vampire powers or are actually a Japanese sect of vampires. We never see any of them operating during the day and this would explain why their bases are deep underground and why none of them have heartbeats.

Even if they’re not actual vampires, this helps to establish that the vampire underworld could exist in this side of the Marvel universe and usher-in horror projects like Blade.

Iron Fist will likely push this even more when it concerns the supernatural and hopefully this allows Marvel Television to be more confident about their potential Blade series.

Jessica Jones and Elektra have also paved the way for Fallon Grey to takeover the Blade mantle, possibly giving us our second female driven Marvel series on Netflix.

Do you think The Hand has allowed Marvel to eventually tackle vampires and Blade in the future?

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