Final Fantasy XV Won’t Use Traditional Difficulty Settings

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Instead, you’ll have the option to change how you battle.

Final Fantasy XV won’t be featuring “easy, medium, and hard” settings but will allow players to choose between combat modes that will cater to the kind of experience best suited to their preferences.

This was revealed by Square Enix’s Lead Game Designer Takizawa Masashi’s answer to a community member’s question.

“The equivalent to difficulty level settings in FFXV is a system where you can switch between different battle modes. By having this ability to switch modes, we want to make it so that both players who like action oriented, technical gameplay and also those who want to fight at a slower, more relaxed pace can all enjoy the combat in their own style. This switching system is a key part of the gameplay that we decided to introduce based on the feedback we received from the Episode Duscae demo. We will go into more detail about the system closer to the game’s launch so stay tuned for more information.”

Masashi mentions the feedback that was received from the Episode Duscae demo, in which many players raised concerns over drastic combat spikes throughout the game.

These new combat modes will allow players to tailor the experience into one which moves at a pace they are comfortable with. If you like a fast-paced battle system, then you can choose that. If it’s all moving too fast for you, then it seems like you can slow down the combat. Essentially, this will help broaden the audience for FFXV.

The announcement for Final Fantasy XV’s release date will come sometime in March.

Do you like the direction that Square Enix is taking the combat system for Final Fantasy XV? Tell us in the comments below!


By Jeff Gordon

Jeff is a gamer, Star Wars fanatic, and avid moviegoer. As Superman loses his strength in the absence of sunlight, so Jeff loses strength when he goes a week without eating chicken wings. Jeff is a hopeless Nintendo fan, but he also greatly appreciates the wonderful experiences offered on the PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

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