Geeks With Wives & Capes: Episode 32 | Guest: Jace Reid

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Geeks With Wives & Capes discuss all the latest and greatest Comic Book Movie news with Jace Reid from @superheroreport we start off with the latest Batman video game release Arkham Knight.  We also Segway into the Transformers trailer, Batman Vs. Superman and a little Sin City. Finally we all fawn over how great both Arrow and Agents of Shield were this week and speculate over the future of these shows.

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By Tech Adventure

Joe was born and raised in Portland, OR. As an illegitimate son of Zeus, Joe sometimes struggles with his humanity vs. his divinity. As a self proclaimed “health-nut” Joe drinks half his weight in protein shakes a day, and it is not uncommon for him to run for days, sometimes covering hundreds of miles.

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