Hitman Absolution: Backlog Review

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To start this off, I would like to say that I have not played any of the other Hitman games, and will be reviewing this as if it were any other game.

Now that we have that out of the way, I will say that I love this game. It’s made amazingly from its graphics to its mechanics and has tons of content to play around with, so let’s get to it!

The Graphics: The graphics on this game are REALLY good for a PS3/Xbox game. They have a good enough amount of detail to look realistic and not have any bad-looking textures. The people all look decently real and the animations have almost no flaws, aside from the ragdoll physics when dragging bodies (I think most people know what I mean by ragdoll physics issues). The areas you go through in the game are all very fitting to the situation and you really feel as if you are there. The guns look very real and have a great amount of detail in them considering how small some are. Altogether, the detail put into every bit of this game is very good and I am sure most users will like the graphics.

Not only are environments beautifully rendered, but they also have quite a diverse range.

The Gameplay: The gameplay in this game has a very interesting and simple concept, be sneaky and earn points, be not sneaky and lose points. But the game makes this into a fun experience by not restraining you or penalizing you for any points you lose. It kind of just says “here is your level, here are your guards, now kill them or avoid them.” Along with this, it lets you be free to use any means to kill anyone in the level, be it a wrench, sword, gun, axe, bomb, or even a radio. The amazing amount of freedom you have in this game is really cool and lets you do whatever you want. There is a plethora of different guns you can get such as revolvers, sniper rifles, assault rifles, and pistols. Unfortunately there is no loadout screen where you can start out with the weapons you want, and you are forced to pick up the guns by looking around in the map and taking them off bodies. There are also disguises you can get by taking the clothes from bodies, these are extremely useful for hiding in plain sight, and making your escape after getting your other disguise blown. This disguise system lets you mix up the normal stealth formula, while still retaining the normal aspects of stealth games. Altogether the gameplay is very addicting and I am still replaying missions over and over because of how fun it is.

No room is the same, and each one can be tackled multiple ways.

The Story: The story in this game is fairly simple. Agent 47 (the guy on the front of the box/main character) goes AWOL after not killing a girl he was contracted to kill because she has important info and is protecting a girl who was experimented on and turned into a weapon. As you might have guessed, the girl gets kidnapped, and he has to save her. That’s pretty much the story without man

There is a total of 57 disguises in Hitman: Absolution, and Charlie Chipmunk offers quite the intimidation factor.

I don’t really have many complaints though because I wasn’t playing this game for its story, I was playing it for a good stealth game. However for you storytelling lovers, this is not the game for you. The story is not very well made mostly because the game keeps trying to add more and more characters and twists into the story and eventually you can hardly really care about it anymore. Altogether, I don’t really like the story because it becomes weighed down in unnecessary ways, thereby complicating itself.

So after playing through this game, I can conclude that the gameplay is really solid and fun with easy to learn mechanics that the game does a decent job telling you about – without getting super “When is this tutorial going to be over”-ey. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes a good stealth game. Just don’t get it for the story.

By Ethan

Hi, I'm 15 and I like PC gaming and Linux

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