INDIE-CISIVE COMICs Week of 8-18-21

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Featuring a few of the wonderful gems from Indie Publishers that dropped this week. Head to your local comic shop and check them out.

Boom Studios

Power Rangers # 10

Written by: Ryan Parrott & Rachel Wagner
Illustrated by: Moises Hidalgo
Colored by: Raul Angulo w/ Jose Enrique Fernandez
Lettered by: Ed Dukeshire

With so many iterations the Power Ranger have developed quite a bit of lore. I must confess to not having kept up with each time the mantle was passed. This made me slightly wary of approaching this comic. Thankfully I can say it seems issue # 10 is both a precursor and a continuation of the story of the Power Rangers. Perfect place to jump in if you’ve been away too long like me. I also couldn’t help notice two things while reading this issue. First the name Power Rangers was adjectiveless. Next instead of presenting one who would become a Ranger this tale told the story from a different perspective.

Moises Hidalgo’s artwork is particularly stunning in the story of Yale. We witness this young cat’s tale across several timelines. Since this story continues a bit from Issue # 9 we witness his initial encounter with friends Sewa and Tu-vel. I think the most interesting parts take place at both the beginning and end of the issue. Seeing Kiya reach into the abyss and pluck the creature back into existence is a marvel of the nature of the story that is being crafted. This story seems to be about Yale himself and others finally understanding the true potential power of the White Bengal Tiger.

Score: 8.6

Save Yourself # 3

Written by: Bones Leopard
Art by: Kelly & Nichole Matthews
Lettered by: Jim Campbell

Save Yourself is a lighthearted presentation of a larger narration. Writer Bones Leopard has stayed true to the Boom Box concept with the introduction of the Lovely Trio. Presenting to a younger audience stories heroes and saviors from beyond isn’t the difficult part for any comic. What is much more complicated is helping youth with conceptualizing topics such as blind adoration and idolization. That is where Save Yourself succeeds as a series.

Issue # 3 of the this comic shows readers a truer image of who the Lovely Trio are. They could care less about “humans” love and fanfare. It’s about taking their very lives and essence so they can survive. While some might argue this is the most extreme take on celebrity worship I think the comic does well in it’s efforts to send the message to younger generations. How much investment do we make, are we willing to make to others for our joy and very safety? Especially when you can do it yourself.

Score: 8.2

Dark Horse Comics

Rangers of the Divide # 4

Created by: Megan Huang

At times you feel like you have to do it all by yourself. I mean can you actually rely on anyone else when there is so much at stake. Now I could be speaking of Megan Huang in terms of the duties this creators tackles in the series. Serving as writer, illustrator and colorist this series is a total investment of individuality. Of course I could also be speaking of the Commander as he attempts to navigate the cadets towards Prettoria. Either way this series proves what one can accomplish.

In creating the land of the divide Huang has total freedom in terms of the decisions made. The elite Commander seems to be content in operating under that same premise. He reminds me of another comic character who traveled back in time to work with a young group for his own reasons. Similarly there are lives at risk with each choice he makes. And while Elise has begun to suspect his motivations the rest of the cadets still seem willing to prove themselves to him. How much longer will they all be willing to operate in the dark until it’s lights out for one of them?

Score: 8.6

Savage Hearts # 2

Writer: Aubrey Sitterson
Artist: Jed Dougherty
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Colorist: Lovern Kindzierski

Matters of the heart are often described as bizarre, complicated and even disorienting. So it is understandable that coming to terms with all this comic contains would be the same. Add in the dino-tropic setting and a surreal mix of characters and you begin to grasp what is going on within the pages of Savage Hearts.

I found this comic to be an absurd and humorous take on the normal barbarian adventure. Bronwyn is clearly more complex than she appeared last issue. We see a side of tenderness that offsets her previously conveyed tenacity. It is after battling Tretch and his murder (although I’m only noticing toucans and parrots in his entourage) that this warrior woman finally breaks down and shows her softer side. Or maybe it’s just the poison which Groan is all to willing to help suck out. Is this comic a little crazy and kooky? Yeah just a bit but what else would you expect from a savage heart.

Score: 8.2

Image Comics

Compass: The Cauldron of Eternal Life # 3

Written by: Robert MacKenzie & David Walker
Art by: Justin Greenwood
Colors by: Daniela Miwa
Letters by: Simon Bowland

Since the earliest of times man has relied on the compass to navigate. However as Robert MacKenzie and David Walker prove in this comic that isn’t actually an accurate assessment. Navigation simply would mean getting from point to point. Issue # 3 of Compass points to Shahidah having to do more than merely follow a simple straight line.

There is a lot of mystery and intrigue within the pages of Compass. While it takes some historical liberties this archaeological adventure is stunning and suspenseful. It does a truly wonderful job in showcasing how connected a disconnected early world was. Legends of early druids and priests may seem foreign to one another but as Shahidah discovers they only need to be looked at with the right eyes. Things are not always as they appears also seems to be true of her relationship with Hua. A compass’ true purpose is to help one orient oneself.

Score: 8.4

Home Sick Pilots # 8

Writer: Dan Watters
Artist: Caspar Wijngaard
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar

Despite being filled with ghosts it’s hard to consider Home Sick Pilots a horror story. It’s less of a traditional horror and more of a psychological one. Exposing the troubles and pains we create for ourselves. How they hang over us and haunt us. And how if we’re not careful they can cause us to come back and haunt others in the afterlife.

Not since the first issue have we been given much explanation of the ghosts that lived in the Old James House. Issue # 8 changes that as we receive some backstory not only on the individuals before they died but also on their artifacts or totem. This issue also deals with the here and now in terms of the two burgeoning relationships in the books. While Ami and Buzz seem to be headed for a true relationship the same can’t be said for Meg and Robbie. Still when you’re haunted can you ever truly hope to find any peace?

Score: 8.8

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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