‘Ittle Dew 2’ Announced

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The adventure of Ittle Dew and her potion swilling companion Tippsie continues in the upcoming Ittle Dew 2!

The sequel to the original game promises to focus on exploration and combat through seven different dungeons that can be completed in a nonlinear fashion.  Through the course of adventuring players can look to uncover four different unique weapons as well as tackle numerous puzzle. The game is also now in 3D!

Ittle Dew 2 looks like fun from it’s subversive humor to  Zelda inspired gameplay. Plus I can’t help but endorse a game were one of the characters is called Tippsie who may or may not have a drinking problem.  I’m sure Tippsie can stop whenever Tippsie wants too…

Ittle Dew 2 will be coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One this summer.

By Ben_Suri

Know to the interweb as Curdle_Sanders, Ben is a mild manner geek of nominal fame and fortune. Was raised by violet shooters on the PC like Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, the media would think him to be a trained killer. He is actually a pretty nice guy that doesn't actually kill people at all although he still exclusively plays PC. In his spare time he dabbles in reading comics and completes course work for his Master's degree....which is the worst.

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