‘Kong: Skull Island/Metal Gear Solid’ Director Teases Hypothetical Live-Action ‘Metroid’ Movie

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While sort of promoting the potential of his Metal Gear Solid film to our pals at IGN, director Jordan Vogt-Roberts had some interesting thoughts for what a hypothetical Metroid live-action movie could focus on to make it cinematic.

“It legitimately would be [Samus] alone. It would be a little bit of her talking to herself, but like, as soon as they introduce other talking characters in those games, to me, it loses everything. You put her alone, and it’s like – it’s almost got a little bit more to do with the silence of the movie, like Drive? Like the quietness. And having it be a really intense mood piece, but mixed with silence.”


Action director John Woo at one point was considering make the film but that never really panned out. So we are hoping that Jordan could pick up the football and potentially get this made. Just as long they take some visual cues from the live-action trailer for Metroid: Other M and the prologue song.

Maybe he’d be able to wrangle Captain Marvel herself Brie Larson to play Samus?

They did previously work together on Kong: Skull Island.



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