Marvel’s ‘The Runaways’ and ‘Cloak & Dagger’ Begin Filming in February

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Last year Marvel announced that two more of their classic property’s would be heading to television. The had partnered with Hulu to deliver the beloved coming-of-age comic The Runaways. They also revealed that a teen romance series based on Cloak & Dagger would be headed to Freeform (formally ABC Family). News went silent on both shows for quiet sometime. Of course once Stranger Thing’s debuted on Netflix every comic book fan and their mother wanted actress Millie Bobby Brown to be cast in The Runaways as Molly Hayes. One of the strongest mutants in the Marvel universe. But that was nothing more than a fan casting…

Now thanks to Screen-Zero it has been revealed that both show’s will begin filming next month. Marvel’s The Runaways is expected to be filming in LA in February. With Cloak & Dagger beginning production in New Orleans in February. The only odd thing is that if this is true we should be hearing casting fairly soon. To support this story Production Weekly has also revealed that production titles for both shows. The Runaway’s will be working under the title Rugrats throughout filming. While Cloak & Dagger will be under the title Shadows.

Ironically, in the original Runaways comic both Cloak & Dagger make a guest appearance in the comic to help The Runaways take on their evil parents. It’s unlikely that we will see these two crossover since we have yet to see any of the ABC shows crossover with the Netflix shows. However, Stranger things have happened….

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