MeltingMirror’s Cosplay is Stunningly Divine

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Name: MeltingMirror

Location: Ontario, Canada

DeviantArt/World Cosplay: /

Twitter: @Meltingmirror


Photographer(s):, Anna Cosplay Photography, SoulFire Photography, PitFire Photography, Liquid Cocaine Photography, Eleventh Photograph and Eurobeat Kasumi Photography.

1. What does cosplaying mean to you?
Cosplay means a lot of different things to me. It means expressing myself creatively and challenging myself artistically. It also means travelling and meeting new people and making friends.

2. What was your very first cosplay experience? What inspired you to take up the craft?
My friends peer pressured me into dressing up for the first anime convention in my city. I had a great time and did it again for the following year. Then, I started adding on more costumes and events to my schedule. I was hooked.

3. If you could select a favorite costume that you have worn, which would you choose?
I have such a hard time picking a favourite. At this moment, let’s say Tia Dalma, because it was my first live action costume and the end result was all I could hope for. Also, she is a fun character to portray.

4. And, if you could select a favorite costume that you’ve seen someone else wear, what would that be?
Wow this one is even tougher, ha! I really like Yaya Han’s Carmilla from Vampire Hunter D. It was quite the undertaking and the end result was beautiful.

5. What is an upcoming costume that you’re currently working on?
I’m working on a classic white Storm costume from X-Men (Jim Lee’s version). I’ve been putting it off forever so I’m excited to finish it for October… fingers crossed.

6. If you had unlimited funds and resources, what costume(s) would you create?
I really want to make a full blown original Carnival costume similar to those at parades and festivals in Trinidad and Brazil. They can be several meters wide and tall that’s supported on a metal frame with wheels. They are often adorned with thousands of feathers and rhinestones.

7. How do you prepare yourself, mentally and physically, for an upcoming convention/event?
I make lists and I update them as often as possible to keep on top of things. I also try to get as much sleep as I can but it can be difficult when you have tight deadlines.

8. At the end of the day, in your opinion, what is the best part about cosplaying?
I could not be any happier than with all the friends I have made over the years. There are so many amazing people that I have met that I can’t imagine my life without them.

9. What advice can you offer to those who are aspiring cosplayers?
Do what you love and make cosplays of things you are passionate about. It will make all the difference when you hit roadblocks in the construction process.

To learn more about MeltingMirror, follow her on Twitter: @Meltingmirror, or check out her Facebook page:

If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks World Wide, please email Casey at!

By Bobbiann Mako

Social Media Manager & Cosplay Editor for Geeks World Wide. Grey Warden. Inquisitor. Champion of Kirkwall. Jedi. Dragonborn. Trekkie. Tea connoisseur. Guardian. Pokémon & Peggle Master. Frequent Simmer. I tend to pull aggro... a lot.

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