Moss Review on PS4 PSVR

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Moss (Reviewed on PS4)
Developed By: Polyarc
Published By: Polyarc
Also Available on PC

Moss is a virtual reality adventure game by the team known as Polyarc. In Moss, you take control of a mouse named Quill. The games plot focuses on Quill as she has come across a character known as the Reader which is you, the player. Together you go off on an adventure to rescue Quill’s uncle. As you progress through the journey you will come across creatures to defeat and puzzles to solve that requires teamwork. The story is told through a narration like a children’s storybook. Between the gameplay segments, you’ll actually turn the pages of Moss that act as the “cut scenes” in the game.

It’s an extremely charming direction of telling the games story and will take back anyone to their youthful days when reading or being read a story as a kid. Controlling Quill is quite simple. You have an attack button and a jump button. While attacking an enemy, you’re also able to hold back on the analog stick and press the jump button to dash away from an enemy before they strike you to damage you in the middle of your attack. You as the Reader also control things such as doors and platforms and with your blue orb, you simply hover over these things and hold down either the left or right trigger to maneuver the objects. You’re also able to take controls of enemies through this way too and also heal Quill if she takes any damage.

The VR perspective gives you this overhead view of the lands and you can maneuver around to see certain things such as hidden collectibles or hidden paths when trying to solve a puzzle. It’s also quite enjoyable as you take a look at your scenery and just really feel engulfed into this world. Even though the visuals for the environment and enemies may come off a bit simple, the art direction still works in its favor. Quill has great animation, especially in the small moments when she is communicating with the Reader.   This is probably the only real downside I had with the game but it was nothing that ever took my out of the experience and fun I was having. You’ll come across one of two types of collectibles. You have the relic dust, which are hidden in breakable objects and forgotten fragments, which require a bit of searching and finding in hidden spots. The music is quite enjoyable and definitely picks up in certain moments such as fighting off waves of enemies.

Even though Moss is a bit of a short adventure. I couldn’t help but enjoy myself in it’s yet simple but charming story. I even find myself wanting to go back and retrieve the collectibles I had miss from my initial playthrough. Moss is definitely a gem among VR games that I highly recommend anyone to play and hope we get more from this team.


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