There Is A New Dynamic Duo In Town “Conan Red Sonja #1” Review

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Conan Red Sonja #1 (Dark Horse Comics)

Written by: Gail Simone & Jim Zub
Art by: Dan Panosian
Color by: Dave Stewart

To be perfectly honest I am probably not the best person to be reviewing this book as my only familiarity with Conan or Red Sonja involves Arnold Schwarzenegger, A few random comics, and the Universal Studios stage show. So when I say out of all those things I probably like this comic the best know that my experience is limited. This issue was a fun, action packed look at the warrior duo’s first meeting. In issue one Simone’s Red Sonja is the star. Zub treats the character with the utmost respect as she starts off strong, confident and ready for action. Conan is no slouch here either as Zub uses him less for his words and more for his willingness to murder without hesitation. Of our two characters Conan definitely walks a thin line between destroyer and savior as his morals seem to much more profit driven than Sonja’s.

I was a little split on the art of this book as I found Dan Panosian’s pencils to be stellar and times and lacking in others. The art overall seemed inconsistent where some areas oozed detail and life while others felt dull and forgotten. Backgrounds and scenery suffered most but facial expressions, character design and action sequences were perfect accents to the story telling and really sold the interactions between the characters.

Although my Conan and Red Sonja experience doesn’t go beyond a couple of movies and a trip to Universal Studios, I still feel this newest edition to their mythos is something fans and newcomers will enjoy immensely. Zub and Simone are perfect team to give these characters the right amount of heroism and heart to make anyone become a fan. Conan Red Sonja #1 maybe the perfect introduction to these characters and their dynamic and has only further peaked my interest in a franchise that I never took seriously.

By Casey Walsh

At an early age I knew I loved two things more than anything else Comic Books and Video Games and no matter how hard my parents tried they couldn't keep me away from the capes and pixels. Now that I have a wife and child of my own I can't wait to share these vast worlds and experiences with them and hopefully you! With GWW I created and become editor of the comics section, which has now become the websites most popular area and features daily post with unique Comic editorials, reviews and previews. Along with Will Elizondo we started the GWW Capes Crew podcast. A weekly show dedicated to to all things Comics, Superheros and Sequential Art. After a year of creating content for GWW I was made its Editor in Chief. I love everything I do and can't think of a better way to spend my time than to spread every form of geekery to every corner of the globe. Comics will all be my passion though and were my heart lies. Twitter: @TheComixKid PSN ID: rosettastone24 Console of choice: PS4 or Vita Favorite Genre: Action RPG Comic Book Pull List: Guardians of the Galaxy, Superior Spider-Man, Batman, Black Science, The Star Wars and Superman Unchained, Amazing Spider-Man, Justice League. Anything by Rick Remender, Dan Slott, or Donny Cates Favorite Comics: The Dark Knight Returns, Blackest Night, Old Man Logan, BuzzKill, Infinity Gauntlet, Winter Solider, Fables Also Collects: Marvel and DC Minimates and action figures galore. Career Systems: Atari 2600, NES, Gameboy, Game Gear, Genesis, SNES, Dreamcast, PS1, Xbox, PS2, Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, PS4

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