Nightwing #73 (REVIEW)

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Nightwing #73
DC Comics

Written by: Dan Jurgens
Art by: Ryan Benjamin
Inks by: Richard Friend
Colors by: Rain Beredo
Letters by: AndWorld Design


Whoever was able to stick with Nightwing throughout the title’s low points with the Ric Grayson story are finally starting to reap the benefits of their loyalty. Dan Jurgens has found momentum with the story over the last few issues, and he capitalized on that in Nightwing #73.

This issue was the most enjoyable chapter of Nightwing in a while. It has everything a reader could want and there’s some serious build-up for Nightwing #73.

Ryan Benjamin and Richard Friend did a great job with the artwork, too. The big fight in Nightwing #73 is one of the best this title has had in a while. The two fighters, of course, have something to do with that, but it was also the result of Benjamin and Friends’ work. You could really feel the combination of reluctance and aggression with the back-and-forth.

Also, Travis Moore did a great job with the cover. Quite disturbing.

(WARNING: Spoilers for Nightwing #73 ahead.)

Jurgens’ handling of Dicky-Boy’s backstory in Nightwing #73 was great. Gave us exactly what we needed; didn’t go over the top with the details. All we need to know is the general idea of where he came from and how that’s impacting him mentally.

Also though Jurgens had the perfect mix of dialogue and inner monologue in the fight between Batgirl and Dicky-Boy.

Speaking of inner monologues, Dicky-Boy’s was a little creepy. A very nice touch, but still weird — which is obviously the point.

Love seeing Red Hood and Red Robin show up, too. Hope they don’t but Dicky Boy’s act in Nightwing #74.

Going back to the art quickly, glad to see Benjamin and Friend are sticking around for next issue. It’d be great to stay on the title for a while. 

Score: 8.5

By Nick Friar

Nick reviews comics for GWW, mainly DC Comics. Sometimes he'll review a show, too. Nick also likes to share his opinions on the stories within the stories — sometimes in written form, sometimes on his podcasts, TLDR, which is part of GWW Radio.

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