Nightwing #87 (Review)

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Nightwing #87

As much as Nightwing is used to being the focal point of attacks, Dick Grayson enters a new realm where he is now a target. Having to mix and protect both personalities from danger. This focus allows Dick to realize that there will be a hidden danger by doing good. 

DC Comics 
Written by: Tom Taylor 
Art by: Bruno Redondo
Color by: Adriano Lucas
Letters by: Wes Abbott

This issue is unique because the story was predominantly told horizontally instead of vertically. The style of continuous action brings an animation-like feel to it. Mixing these two tricks showcases the high unison level the creative team has. Each issue carries a different take on telling a story. 

With the unique layout and design, the story can adapt and not confuse or trip up the readers. This fluid style allows for more risk they can take to tell the story. Taylor has been able to keep the story unique and rooted in Nightwing lore. 

Doing the comic as Redondo did is almost as if he was animating a short clip. Drawing so many mini action sequences allows his storytelling skills to shine. We can follow along and not get confused or disorientated by everything unfolding on each page. 

Final Thoughts

Taylor and Redondo’s trust in each other shows how well their risks are executed. What helps sell this story is how well constructed it is from start to finish. Every issue of Nightwing brings a new chance to help separate it from all the other Bat books. The layout does feel like a homage to Warran Ellis Moon Knight that had a similar continuous storyline.  

The issue overall is amazingly presented and brings a cleaver to take that keeps Nightwing a step above the other DC titles. Taylor and Redondo’s unison in storytelling allowed these fun ideas to play out to be one of their best issues. 

Nightwing #87 Review 3.99
  • Overall Entertainment - 9/10
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