No Lives Remaining Podcast – Captain America: Civil Contests

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Agasicles and Everett get together for the No Lives Remaining Podcast! This show will be a short, fun and to the point single topic show that shouldn’t be very long! We have “no life” while talking about some topic and think way too hard about them until we can’t think anymore.

This show we’ll talk about the age old question being answered in Captain America: Civil War… TeamCap or TeamStark? But we’re not going to be discussing who would win in a fight, because that’s what the movie will be about. No, we’re discussing who would win in several civil contests like 1 on 1 basketball, football, a triathlon, who picks up the ladies and who can knit better! Let us know on Twitter which team you’re on @NoLivesPodcast or in the comments below!

Listen here via SoundCloud or on iTunes!

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By Everett Harn

American Expat living in Sweden. Major film, comic, video game geek. Enjoys writing and sleeping as his main hobbies. Loves Pugs, Tom Cruise films, and life. Destroyer of Lymphoma and Unblessed of the Metal Age.

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