Public Domain #1: Image Comics Review

Jun 30, 2022

Mad Cave Studios


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With superhero movies being the big box office money maker, Public Domain shines a light on the actual creators. One of the darker sides of the comic industry is finally on display. 

Image Comics
Writing and Art by: Chip Zdarsky

Public Domain focuses on the creator of the superhero Domain and his two children. With the character getting a world premiere, things begging to get hectic for co-creator Syd and his family. 

What makes Public Domain a good read is how it brings one of the dark secrets of the comic book industry into the main narrative. Many readers will be familiar with the many copyright battles between DC and Siegal and Shuster, most recently Bill Finger getting credit with Batman.  

Zdarsky’s humor and style fit the topic in Public Domain perfectly. The satire reflects on superhero movies, issues with the comic book culture, and struggles creators go through over ownership of characters. The narrative focused on the creator’s children giving it a personal approach. 

Pulling double duties, Zdarsky is also the artist on the series. The style of the story allows the art to focus on the characters’ feelings and emotions. With his unique storytelling style matching the story theme, Zdarsky compliments himself perfectly. 

Overall, Public Domain is a great read and looks at the comic book industry’s inner workings and ugly side. With the massive popularity of superheroes, creators deserve what is due to them for their work. Zdarsky blends his unique humor and tone in this issue to give readers a reason to stick around. 

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For more on Public Domain, along with Chip Zdarsky’s other projects, including Batman and Daredevil, check out his interview with TLDR.