Sorcerer King: Rivals is Here!

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Stardock continues to release quality games on Steam. Today the brains behind Galactic Civilization III are releasing an expansion to Sorcerer King – a game I absolutely loved when it first released in July, 2015. It’s the first strategy game I’ve played where the bad guys have already won! We’ll have impressions soon but until then, you can purchase the game on Steam (currently just $22.49) and check out a synopsis and trailer below provided by Stardock:

Never the same game twice

You have risen to lead an up and coming civilization in magical land of Elemental. Your village lives in the shadow of one of the precious shards of magic. It also possesses something unique in all the world — the Forge of the Overlord. This powerful artifact allows its user to craft magical items and equipment.

Armed with the Forge of the Overlord, your people look to you to challenge the malevolent Sorcerer King, a being who has devastated the land and filled it with ruins and minions.

Unknownst to him, you have learned the Spell of Ascension that will allow you to channel the magic of the shards and enable you to ascend to a being of nearly unlimited power who can set the world free (or destroy it).

But you are not alone. Other civilizations are rising while the Sorcerer King schemes in his distant fortress. They too have their own plans…

A rich world to explore

  • Choose from one of eight civilizations to play as including the Endless Night, The Dwarves of the Frozen Realm and the Men of Altar.
  • Discover ancient dungeons, lost temples, haunted villages and more that lead to adventures with danger and treasure
  • Use the included map editor to create your own unique world or let the game randomly generate one for endless replayability

A Deep history to expand into

  • Meet other races to ally with or go to war against
  • Put down criminal organizations, liberate oppressed towns and discover new lands to found new cities in
  • Research new spells, learn new skills, and craft new items

A vast empire to exploit

  • Use magic to raise mountains or create icy plains
  • Harvest metal, crystal, horses and other resources to build ever more powerful forces
  • Enlist the aid of powerful champions and terrible demigods to do your bidding

A myriad of foes to exterminate

  • Use your magic to charge Curgen’s Bane to transform you into a god
  • Gather allies and assault the Sorcerer King in his fortress
  • Destroy the demigods of Elemental with your righteous might

Beyond the game

  • Construct new worlds with the included map editor to create your own land to conquer
  • Design new quests with the quest editor to create your own story or recreate your favorite RPGs of the past
  • Share your maps and quests with others with the integrated Steam Workshop library.

By Tech Adventure

Joe was born and raised in Portland, OR. As an illegitimate son of Zeus, Joe sometimes struggles with his humanity vs. his divinity. As a self proclaimed “health-nut” Joe drinks half his weight in protein shakes a day, and it is not uncommon for him to run for days, sometimes covering hundreds of miles.

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