‘Spider-Man’ & ‘Captain Marvel’ Were Suppose To Appear in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’

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All throughout production on the smash-hit Avengers: Age of Ultron we had heard rumblings that Carol Danvers was suppose to appear on Captain America’s “New Avengers” team at the end of the film. Ultimately right before the premiere Marvel Head Kevin Feige admitted that she appeared in earlier drafts of the film but was cut due to her not having an origin before being an Avenger.

Now director Joss Whedon appeared on the Empire Podcast and revealed that he wanted Spider-Man along with Captain Marvel to appear on The New Avengers at the end of the film:

“Well, I wanted all those people. I said it would be great if we could just add a few more. If you guys could make a Ms. Marvel – I always say Ms. Marvel because that’s when I read it. That’s what it was.  – If we could have a Captain Marvel there that you have made a deal for. And they talked about it. I was like ‘Spider-Man, we could do that, too.’ Sony had approached us during the first [Avengers] movie about a little integration. So I would have put both of them in, but neither of the deals were made. Then they were like ‘we’re making a Captain Marvel movie, and we’ve got Spider-Man as a property.’ I’m like ‘I’ve already locked my film you f-ckers. Thanks for nothing.'”

With Peter Parker going to be so young in the cinematic universe it would make more sense that he would have to earn his way onto a team of adults who think he is just a punk with powers.

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