Confirmed Epic Podcast Episode #46: DC Rebirth, Cap is a Nazi, and X-men Apocalypse

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] The reelbradbell and Jerry “Barbecue17” Reed discuss the latest installment in Fox’s storied X-men Franchise: X-men Apocalypse directed by Bryan Singer. As always we also get into epic news and what we have been checking out. Please feel free to email any questions for the show to:… Continue reading Confirmed Epic Podcast Episode #46: DC Rebirth, Cap is a Nazi, and X-men Apocalypse

Iceman, Erasure and Outing

SPOILERS ABOUND, BE WARY ALL WHO ENTER HERE. The X-Men universe as it stands is a in a bit of a confusing time. The story as it stands is after ‘Avengers vs. X-Men’ Scott Summers/Cyclops founded another team of mutant revolutionaries and created another school for mutants inside an abandoned Weapon X bunker. In order… Continue reading Iceman, Erasure and Outing

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