This week marked the release of Cannons in the Clouds by Daniel Woolley and Anne Gresham as a trade paperback. The story revolves around a teenager who...
Diversity Aboveground Articles
Diversity Aboveground: Vixen Visits Arrow
After 38 years of existence, Vixen is making her live action debut this Wednesday on Arrow. The superhero, played by Megalyn Echikunwoke, wears the Tantu...
Diversity Aboveground: Hopeful for 2016!
While February is half over and it has been a difficult couple of months of deaths and facepalm moments, 2016 is still looking promising. There are 10...
Diversity Aboveground: Oscars Boycott?
Last Thursday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) released nominations for the 2016 Academy Awards and once again, it appeared...
Diversity Aboveground: 2015 Recap
2015 was an exciting time for diversity in entertainment. Now's the time to celebrate the triumphs that happened this year. Star Wars: The Force Awakens...
Diversity Aboveground: Star Wars Heroes
SPOILERS BELOW! With last column discussing how Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Rebels are increasing the diversity of female...
Diversity Aboveground: Star Wars Heroines
Spoilers Below! Star Wars isn't known for its strong females. The original six films have Leia Organa and Padme Naberrie and about six seconds of various...
Diversity Aboveground: Loving The Wiz
Long before the internet battled over whether changing the skin color of beloved characters was trendy or the right thing to do, there was The Wiz. The...
Diversity Aboveground: An Undertale of Life
SPOILER WARNING: This column will discuss all possible endings and game play. Just two months ago, the game, Undertale, was released to eager anticipation...
Diversity Aboveground: A New James Bond?
SPOILER WARNING- This article discusses aspects of Spectre, including the ending. With Spectre showing in theatres in most of the world,...
Diversity Aboveground; Black Widow: Forever Red
In the last few years, Marvel has published several books written for the Young Adult market. The latest release is Black Widow: Forever Red by Margaret...
Diversity Aboveground: Girl Meets World and Succeeds
Boy Meets World was one of ABC's most popular TGIF shows from its premiere in 1993 until the very last episode in 2000. Almost 20 years after that first...