Review: The God of War Series

Few game series are successful at telling one cohesive story while growing in technical achievement with each release. With the God of War series, this is not only accomplished, but perhaps shines as the best example of how to execute on an idea and improve what you do best every step of the way.

Review: Torchlight

Runic Games has created a wonderful gem, fun, colorful, and never taking itself too seriously; Torchlight is a simple sometimes comical take on dungeon crawlers. In a genre that has been beaten to death, Torchlight is a refreshing diversion. Set in the mining town of Torchlight, there is something plaguing the mines and it’s up… Continue reading Review: Torchlight

Review: Metroid: Other M

It’s always refreshing to see a developer take a franchise and try to reinvigorate new life into it. Metroid: Other M is Team Ninja’s attempt at creating a more story driven, combat heavy game that really challenges the proven formula Nintendo is known to deliver. Unfortunately for the developer, it’s an attempt that comes with… Continue reading Review: Metroid: Other M

Review: Alan Wake

Alan Wake continues Remedy’s fixation on the melodramatic and that tone and feel starts right as the game boots up. Instead of setting the stage for the story, the game opens by giving the player a pretentious explanation on how a good psychological thriller should be told.  The game will lead you through forests, junkyards,… Continue reading Review: Alan Wake

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