The Flash Reverse – Episode 16: Rogue Time (Spoilers)

After delivering to audiences an episode that pushed the boundaries of superhero television last week in “Out of time”, you had to figure that this weeks episode of The Flash would struggle to keep pace. Slowed down by tons of expositions and tropes about time travel the episode “Rogue Time” just seemed to stop any… Continue reading The Flash Reverse – Episode 16: Rogue Time (Spoilers)

Comics or Film? Marvel vs DC – Choose your side.

There’s been many questions over the generations that have divided our opinions and have helped shape the way we think. How did the universe come to be? Is there life on other worlds? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? But one question is above all of these in the grand scheme of things… Continue reading Comics or Film? Marvel vs DC – Choose your side.

It’s a Grimm Old Life

When you speak of fairy tales, what’s your first thought? Is it an image of Snow White surrounded by the Seven Dwarfs singing songs? Rapunzel throwing her hair from her lofty tower in a Walt Disney Film? Or maybe the Three Little Pigs building their houses to protect them from the Big Bad Wolf? Then… Continue reading It’s a Grimm Old Life

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