The 100 3×07: ALIE is the Only Point

The 100 “Thirteen” begins on Ascension day, loops back around to the first Unity day, and ends with one shocking grounder ritual. Titus (Neil Sanilands) continues to pursue his political war against Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) and Clarke’s (Eliza Taylor) “Blood must not have blood” law. Meanwhile in the Polis underground, Titus wages a religious battle… Continue reading The 100 3×07: ALIE is the Only Point

The 100 3×03: 5 Points & A Mountain

The 100 writers continue to stir up consequences from both the past and present actions of our central characters in, “Ye Who Enter Here.” While watching, I couldn’t help but recall Nyko’s line from the previous episode, “Places are not evil brother, people are.” Seems like nothing, but tragedy befalls those who enter the mountain,… Continue reading The 100 3×03: 5 Points & A Mountain

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