The Cosplay of Leaf Is Sleek, Stylish and Anime Inspired

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Name: Nano Collins – Leaf

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada

DeviantArt/World Cosplay:

Twitter: @Leaf_cos


Photographer(s): Novii and Alex Rose Photography

1. What does cosplaying mean to you?
Cosplay is a very big part of my life right now. Cosplay has introduced me to many of my now great friends, and also taught me really useful skills like how to alter clothes and make things I might want to wear.

2. What was your very first cosplay experience? What inspired you to take up the craft?
My very first cosplay experience was Fan Expo Canada, and I believe I was in grade 10 or so. I was amazed by all these people going out and dressed up as my favorite characters from anime and video games. I thought they all looked so cool and I wanted to do what they were doing.
I also felt really inspired by constantly seeing costumes people had done online. I thought “man.. I wanna look that cool… I want to do that too!”

3. If you could select a favorite costume that you have worn, which would you choose?
Hmm, that’s a hard question… I normally cosplay characters out of love for them so if I was to pick one as my favorite because of that it would have to be Youji Sakiyama from the BL game by Nitro+Chiral. I don’t think I have ever had such a deep attachment with any other character from an anime or game.
If I was to choose a character based on me being satisfied with the outcome I would probably have to go with either Arakita Yasutomo from Yowamushi Pedal, or Akira from the BL game Togainu no Chi. Both were characters that I did not expect turn out so well, and I’m very happy with both.

4. And, if you could select a favorite costume that you’ve seen someone else wear, what would that be?
I think I would have to go with Saffron Yeung’s Arakita Yasutomo cosplay. I love all of her cosplays and I really look up to her but I have never seen someone else do the pompadour version of Arakita and I think she did an amazing job at it!

5. What is an upcoming costume that you’re currently working on?
I’m currently working on Li Xingke from Code Geass and Zapp Renfro from Battle Blood Blockade for Otakuthon in Montréal in August 2015.

6. If you had unlimited funds and resources, what costume(s) would you create?
Probably all the outfits for most of the Yowamushi Pedal characters. Also everyone from Sweet Pool.

7. How do you prepare yourself, mentally and physically, for an upcoming convention/event?
I try to get all my costumes done in time (although that never really happens), and religiously attend the gym. A big part of most of my costumes is my body since I cosplay a lot of sports anime and ero games.

8. At the end of the day, in your opinion, what is the best part about cosplaying?
I think the best part for me is honestly going to conventions and meeting new people. I love going to cons not so much for the cons themselves anymore as I can usually get most of the merch there cheaper online (artist alley’s excluded), but for all the cosplayers going. I love seeing everyone in their costumes and taking pictures of them!

9. What advice can you offer to those who are aspiring cosplayers?
Don’t let someone stop you from doing a costume you want because they don’t think its right for you. Do what makes you happy because, at the end of the day, you’re gonna be the one having fun in the outfit you made/bought. Cosplaying is about going out and having fun so do that. 🙂

To learn more about Leaf, follow them on Twitter: @Leaf_cos, or check out their Facebook page:

If you or someone you know would like to have a gallery featured on Geeks World Wide, please email Casey at!

By Bobbiann Mako

Social Media Manager & Cosplay Editor for Geeks World Wide. Grey Warden. Inquisitor. Champion of Kirkwall. Jedi. Dragonborn. Trekkie. Tea connoisseur. Guardian. Pokémon & Peggle Master. Frequent Simmer. I tend to pull aggro... a lot.

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