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All-New Ghost Rider #12

Written by: Felipe Smith
Art by: Felipe Smith & Kris Anka
Colors by: Val Staples

One year ago, Marvel introduced us to new and interesting characters in All-New Ghost Rider #1. Robbie Reyes is a young man living in East Los Angeles with his autistic brother Gabe, trying to support him while juggling a job and school. This book has such much to offer, with all characters fully realized. This final issue wraps up a thrilling two-part story and is just a part of Robbie Reyes’ origins.

This issue continues the last issue’s revelations and turns the stakes even higher. Eli has set his eyes on Gabe, and Robbie is doing everything he can to save his little brother. I can’t say much else because this is the last issue and I’m really trying to stay away from spoilers, so buy this in trade and read it!!

Felipe Smith kills it on the art, conveying the struggle all his characters are going through and Kris Anka slides perfectly into this book with his pages. Sadly, the comic is ending with this issue, but this isn’t the end of Robbie Reyes. Robbie and the other Ghost Riders have been confirmed for their own Secret Wars tie-in book, called Ghost Racers! Right now is a perfect time to get into the All-New Ghost Rider, the first trade is available right now and collects the first arc.

By Tyler Pollock

I was born in California and currently living in Oregon. I'm trying to get through college while balancing my love of video games, and more recently, my love for comic books. Favourite video games: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Kingdom Hearts, Bioshock. Favourite books/book series: Harry Potter, The Broken Empire, The Kingkiller Chronicle, The Newsflesh trilogy Favourite comic books: Scarlet Spider, Young Avengers, Saga Favourite TV shows: American Horror Story, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Origin ID: fleetandflotillas Steam ID: fleetandflotillas

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