The Marked # 7 (REVIEW)

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Issue number 7 of The Marked continues the search for Pope’s soul. We get more information on the time that Pope and Klara spent with Lovecraft, as well as the events that led to the loss of Pope’s soul. Hine and Haberlin choose wisely when to let the art lead and when to use narration to set the scene. The result of their efforts is a comic that is equal part sorcery and suspense…a story feels like the working of the famous writer.

The Marked # 7 Lovecraft in the Underworld Part 2 (of 2)

Image Comics

Story: David Hine & Brian Haberlin
Art: Brian Haberlin
Colors: Geirrod Van Dyke
Letters: Francis Takenaga

The Lovecraft we meet this issue is much different than the character has been thus far. Instead of slow, behaving as someone who’s brain is consumed, this Lovecraft is articulate with a superiority complex. We see his immediate bonding with Pope and continued disdain for Klara. It’s hard not to view him as the antagonist of this issue, though our authors wisely play on our assumptions. Given the stakes of Lovecraft’s task, the effort it entails, I was impressed by the expressiveness that Brian Haberlin provided to these panels in particular. Van Dyke’s colors bring the battle between Lovecraft, Pope and the Ka-Lo-Luh to life. Francis Takenaga’s clear and concise lettering help narrate where panels would be unnecessary.

The Marked # 7 offers a glimpse into the beginnings of a dark descent. Somewhere in the events with Lovecraft are the details of Pope’s soul. Saskia seems to suspect something but is clearly too young to see the truth. And clearly Lovecraft is not ready to reveal everything yet. I am interested to see how his situation with the Ka-Lo-Luh evolved and what it means for The Marked.

Score 8.7

By B Ferg

Hard to figure out where to begin to describe yourself when you don't feel you've even started. I'm thankful for the chance to write about the things that keep the kid in me still searching for that answer.

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