Tips to Writing a Unique Essay Fast

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Tips to Writing a Unique Essay Fast

The task of writing an essay raises the pulse of many students. And if you add uniqueness and tight deadlines to the requirements, your blood pressure might go up. It would be great if there was a fast essay line, like the fast&track line at airports. However, when deadlines are pressing, students have nothing to do but pant over a hated assignment. So how do you cope with it faster? Find out today in our article. 

How to Write a Good Essay: A Brief Instruction

In order to write an essay correctly, you should understand that an essay is a small author’s outline with a free composition on a given topic. The subject can be any occasion, the author’s attitude to some event, reflection on a problem. The author of the essay, as a rule, tells about his personal experiences, impressions, or expresses himself on some occasion figuratively, emotionally, frankly. There are often colloquialisms, aphorisms, and colloquial expressions in essays. Exceptions are essays for scientific conferences, public speeches at scientific councils, and other scientific events.

Tips for Writing Essays Faster

  • Think of a title for your essay. It will give you food for thought and encourage you to write the first sentence. Writing the first sentence is the most difficult task;
  • Make a plan that you will stick to in writing your essay. It will help you state your thoughts in a structured way;
  • Think about what aphorisms, quotes of classics could be appropriate in your essay. They will give your work originality and an aphoristic touch;
  • Start writing your essay by beginning with the paragraph of the plan that seems easiest to you. Follow this principle, and the work on the essay will not seem exhausting to you;
  • If you feel like changing your essay structure in the process, feel free to do so. Writing an essay is creative work, and there are no strict rules for doing it;
  • Try to find factual material, statistical data that will give your essay solidity.
  • Write honestly, frankly, emotionally, use the author’s speech patterns, keep your personality in your essay writing;
  • Use the figures of speech to make the essay interesting: give analogies and parallels, use epithets, metaphors, symbols, allegories, comparisons, and associations. Imagery and aphorism should be your main helpers in writing the essay. Try not to make the sentences too long and crammed with various punctuation marks and unnecessary synonyms;
  • Remember that the essay should be dynamic. The narrative in an essay cannot be monotonous and predictable. Use unexpected plot moves and original clutches. Let the conclusions you draw in the course of presenting your thoughts be logical and predictable only for you;
  • After the work is done, carefully check it for all kinds of errors — spelling, punctuation, lexical. A competent presentation of your thoughts is half the success in writing an essay.

To make your essay interesting, captivating, and original, sprinkle serious reflections with humor and irony if they are appropriate. Remember that your essay is a reflection of your personal thoughts and views, which is why you should not copy someone else’s thoughts. Think about what you would like to say with your work; what thoughts and observations are you ready to share? If, after writing the essay, it seems to you that the title does not quite reflect the essence of the essay, change it for a more intriguing and original one. 

How to Make Your Essay Unique?

  • Format the citations you use in the text correctly. Do not mention other sources too much; 
  • It is best to retell the text you want to quote in your paper in your own words. Stick to paraphrasing — read the information several times and write down what is retained in your memory. This is the best way to increase uniqueness, but it’s also long because it takes more time; 
  • Change the order of sentences. The structure of the text construction plays an important role, especially when the author uses complex adjective sentences. Put the main sentence first, and then the uniqueness will be much higher;
  • Figures, tables, and formulas are better to save in image or screenshot format and insert in work in this form;
  • Choose synonyms for words to enrich the text and avoid repetition;
  • Do not copy material from textbooks. They can be on the Internet in electronic form; 
  • Cross out all sayings, frequently used words, and phrases; 
  • When writing an article, use foreign sources. This will definitely increase the uniqueness.

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By Steven Miller

Some people call me a space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love.

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