Twisted Romance #4 Advanced Review

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Twisted Romance #4
Image Comics 

Main Story Written by: Alex de Campi
Main Story Drawn By: Trungles
Backup Comic Story by: Sarah Winifred Searle
Backup Prose Story by: Naomi Salman
Release:  2/28/18

The fourth and final installment of Twisted Romance is something totally different from the other three. Unlike the love between that of two people, this is the most important and strongest love of all, loving yourself and journey to learning how to do so.

This is the story of average looking Princess who didn’t want to be dressed up, grown up, and presented to society. So she climbed out of her window and decided to live in the trees. That’s not all it’s cracked up to be either. The Princess is led astray and trapped by a dragon who she trusted. She wanted to be his treasure. Was this what Love is supposed to be? She meets a spider one day. She asks him if he’s there to save her. He tells her he can’t save her he’s just a spider. She can only save herself. Just like anyone of us, maybe it takes something really serious or heartbreaking or even the smallest revelation, we have to learn to love and save ourselves. We see the spider comeback back along again after time passes along. The dragon hoarding his treasure. Does he save her? Or does she finally break free?

Issue #4 was THE BEST of the series. I’m sad it’s over but it was a perfect end to a great run. Definitely a fun twist on the fairytale genre. A Princess with self-esteem who wanted nothing to do with the glamorous life provided for her. The eloquent art showed the pain in Princess’s eyes. The fear. Every reaction. The dragon looked amazing! The more you read it you start to realize that she’s a victim of Stockholm Syndrome in a way, thinking maybe this is what Love is. This is why I enjoy her writing style so much. Even in the very end, without spoilers, you find where true love lies and her final contentment and even acceptance from those she never expected.

By Kristel Yeager

Professional fangirl. Comic and movie lover. Taco enthusiast.

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