Two Guys, a Girl, and a Scene, Episode #2 – GWW Radio’s Newest Entertainment Podcast Debut

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But not really, because technically the SNN Special: Top 5 Films of 2015 so far was our first episode. But don’t worry. If you missed the soft launch of our new show, you can certainly jump right in here. But I would suggest you go back and listen to that first episode, just so you do not miss anything. Welcome to Two Guys, a Girl, and a Scene.

Tonight is our monthly “Issues” episode, where we go back to the Top 5 episode that precedes it and expand on any issues that came out of that discussion, controversial or not. Tonight we cover sexism in movies, how the impressions of others color or don’t color our reviews or overall enjoyment of a movie or TV episode, and many other deep thoughts on entertainment and film. Give a listen quick, because we’ll be recording our Viewing Room episode next week, where we will be discussing our group viewing of Beasts of No Nation, so you do not want to get behind!

Here is the show’s overall description on iTunes so that you are hip to the flavor of what we’ll be bringing you each and every episode. Enjoy!

“Jon and Agasicles thought they were doing just fine as a duo. But then Sarah came along and things really started to take off. A casual conversation during the aftershow of one night’s recording, and the three decided to move in together. Well, not really. Actually, they live in entirely different parts of the country. But their love of film is a thing that binds them across the intervening miles. Join these three friends as they break down every bit of movie and TV content they can devour in a unique and unusual format. And…scene.”

By Agasicles Stamas

Gadgets, games, comics, movies, TV...all the things. In that order? Well, that changes as often as the weather. Agasicles is the quintessential nerd's nerd, with far too much content made available in today's world for him to stay focused on any one thing. Android? yep. iOS? Yep. PS4? XBox One? Marvel? DC? Yep, yep, yep...and...yep. He's been all over the world, but prefers nights at home with his favorite gadget or content. A Cold War kid and refugee from the 80s and 90s, Agasicles sometimes doesn't get all this new-fangled stuff that the kids are into these days. But he's trying his hardest.

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