Dive into "If", an animated comedy about Bea, a girl who sees people's imaginary friends. Featuring voices from Ryan Reynolds and Steve Carell.

"If": A John Krasinski Animated Feature

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

"If" explores friendship, acceptance, and the magic of the unseen. An emotional journey where children and adults will find laughter and lessons.

The Central Theme of "If"

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Voices Behind the Characters

Ryan Reynolds and Steve Carell lead a dynamic cast including Phoebe Waller-Bridge, enhancing the film's depth and appeal.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Exploring Imaginary Friends

Each imaginary friend in "If" adds a unique flavor to the ensemble, making the visual and auditory experience enchantingly rich.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Emotional Layers in "If"

"If" isn't just fun; it's a story about growth and understanding, pushing viewers to appreciate life's often overlooked beauties.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

A Movie for All Ages

Rated PG, "If" is crafted for families, balancing humor, fantasy, and education, making it a perfect choice for a family movie night.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

Release Date and Anticipation

Set to release on May 17, 2024, "If" promises to be a significant addition to family-friendly cinema with its creative storytelling.

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures