Moon Knight a Disney+ exclusive.

Today we’ll be taking a look at Disney's new Moon Knight series. The first trailer was released January 18th 2022 and the first episode will drop on March 30th 2022.


As of yet the only known cast members for the Moon Knight series consist of, Oscar Isaac, Gaspard Ulliel, Ethan Hawke, and May Calamawy.

Moon Knight trailer.

So far in the Moon Knight trailers we have seen Khonshu the Egyptian deity that possesses Steven Grant/Mark Spector. 

 We can also see that Steven suffers from dissociative identity disorder(DID) as he says “I can’t tell the difference between the real world and dreams”.

In multiple scenes of the trailer we can see him at a museum, either working, finding a hidden phone, or beating something up in the public bathrooms.

Comic book Moon Knight.

In the comics Steven Grant is a multimillionaire that was possessed by the Egyption deity Khonshu. 

He uses multiple personas(Mark Spector, Jake Lockley, Mr. Knight)to gather information about the criminal underworld.

Main villain.

Awhile ago we got word that Ethan Hawke would be playing the main villain In Moon Knight. While we didnt know who he would be playing at first.

Once we got the trailer we could see that he was playing Dr. Arthur Harrow who in the comics is a scientist that experiments on humans in order to get rid of pain.

Though it seems in the trailer they’ve turned him into a type of cult leader. Which makes sense as he would have multiple humans at his disposal.

Although we know who Hawke is playing, some think that his character may be a mix of Arthur Harrow and the villain Sun King who first appeared in Moon Knight #188.